Hydroponics is a method in which plant grows without
soil only using nutrient and minerals from liquid solutions. Roots of the
plants are not in soil but in mixture of liquid solution in which various
minerals like nitrogen, phosphorous etc. are present. These plants are kept in
flask, bucket or container filled with liquid solution. They can be kept inside
rooms or building. Light required for the process of photosynthesis is supplied
by LED grow lights.
scientists discovered that plants absorbs their nutrients from minerals present
in soil while some required nutrients are not present in soil and to fulfill
this farmer has to mix Urea, Phosphorous etc. in soil to fulfill the
requirement. In this way scientist also discovered that soil acts as a carrier
of transferring food to plants. So Scientists made a successful experiment in
which they collect all the materials required and dissolve in water to make a
mixture then put plants in them in such a way that their roots are dipped in
water solution. They can be placed anywhere and can be planted in any season.
Sunlight required for the process of photosynthesis are given by LED grow light
which is capable of producing light
which contains all the materials required for preparing food for them. Hydroponics
is an standard and one of the efficient technique
used in laboratory for various
agricultural experiment and research. Most of the reservoirs’ in which
hydroponics techniques are made up of plastic along with other materials like
glass, wood, metal, Cement or concrete etc. Combination of hydroponics and grow
lights made it possible for indoor gardening and farming on concrete land. This
technology is very useful in winter season where there is less availability of
sunlight. Led grow lights provides
security and safety as possibility of current shock or melting of wire or
heating of light is negligible as it remains cool even after running for days.
Electrical Energy consumed by these products is very low as compared to other
traditional sources. These lights are fully capable of delivering
spectrum with lights that are concentrated. This results in health and fast
growing period of plants. This combination of hydroponics and led grow light
makes it possible to produce crops even in green houses; desert sands; and at
places where there is less availability of sunlight and there is less
possibility of pests and insects which ultimately reduces the costs and work
force. This whole process reduces labor
work and cost induced in farming of the crops.